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Sandbox (Virtual)

Sandbox Ages 8+

Monday - Friday / 3:30 - 4:20 pm CST

Price: $200 per month

Our most frequent and accessible options, Sandbox programming provide a safe, supportive, and collaborative environment for your child to learn, create, and connect.

This fall, we're modifying the program and combining Doodle Lounge, Smactivities, and Natterdays all into one monthly subscription!

The Doodle Lounge will continue to be hopping Monday - Thursday.

Then on Fridays, the IOB Team will host breakout groups where students can choose their own adventure!

Looking to participate in a storytelling activity? They can head over to the Natterdays group! Maybe the Smactivity is right up your student's alley? They can join that group too! Or if they want to keep on doodling, the lights will always be on in the Doodle Lounge.

Check out the Sandbox program descriptions below to get an idea as to the awesome activities the students will experience!

Doodle Lounge (Monday-Thursday w/optional as Friday too)

Whether it's pencil and paper or Adobe Photoshop, Doodle Lounge invites participants to draw, create, and share artwork via Zoom. Give your child a safe, supported environment to explore their creativity and interests alongside other students on the spectrum and our Doodle Guides. Students are encouraged to use whatever materials and technology are available to them.

Natterdays (Optional Friday experience)

"Natter" means to talk casually; to chatter. And we know our students love to do just that especially when it comes to their favorite things! Natterdays captures that energy and enthusiasm into a 50-minute workshop guided by a master storyteller. Students take turns and collaborate with one another to develop a one-of-a-kind tale. Conversations take place in a safe, supported environment and are overseen by licensed special education professionals and facilitated by subject matter experts from around the community.

Smactivities (Optional Friday experience)

Smactivities–or more formally, Subject Matter Activities–are 50-minute topic-based live video chat sessions that offer students on the spectrum the chance to dig into a particular topic while engaging in STEaM-based projects and activities under the guidance of special educational professionals. Topics could be anything from create your own superheroes, design your own planet, or come up with a random act of kindness!

IOB will provide inspiration for students who then create a design or character that corresponds to the specific subject. The sky's the limit! And it's great to see imaginations running wild and feel the energy and excitement with each idea.

New to Islands of Brilliance? First time signing up for a workshop?
We’d love to help. Connect with Us before registering!

November 23

Lighthouse (Virtual)

December 2

Brilliant Breakfast Club (Virtual)